Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Night of Ice Opera

 "Night of Ice Opera". A scene of Frona on stage doing her final song in Life of Lewa ch 13 "Night of Ice Opera". Lewa takes Venimbus on a date to the Ice Opera House to watch the Opera "She Came From the Sky", sung by the talented Frona Glasgel.

The scene and name of this mythical opera are a few random ideas. "She Came From the Sky" sounded interesting, and was placed in the story for certain reasons of symbolism and foreshadowing. I thought about making the scene of just Frona singing, but decided to add Gelu in the background since he's an actor at the opera house, and as it goes, most operas have depressing aspects to them, ones pertaining to death usually. I figured the extra details gave "She Came From the Sky" a bit more meaning and interest, bringing up questions of why Frona is holding a blade, is the man of the story dead or in a coma, what's going on in this scene?
 "Frona's Song" A close up scene of just Frona singing.

Here's some fun trivia, the scene is composed of different fabrics, a robe, a few rods, foam board, cardboard, and Christmas ornaments.
"Cold Sleep". So you can have a better view of the resting Gelu in the background.

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