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To Market |
Capter 1- The encounter
Lewa walked down a dusty road leading to a local village market in the jungle suburb; the sounds of barterers, animals, local chatter, and jungle ambiance filled the air. Lewa casually walked along pass the bustling Matoran and Agori traders, and glanced over all the heads passing by. He smiled, and his attention was pulled by all the textiles, stone necklaces, and tribal themed decor, along with imported goods from other regions.
He started to make his way through the crowd and suddenly bumps into a slender female Glatorian of the water region, who acts very aloof, and is covered with a long blue cape made of silk, the hood fully draping over her face.
“Ooof! I’m so sorry madam, didn’t mean to hard-bump into such a fine lady.” Lewa is somewhat taken by this female’s beauty, and peeps beneath her hood to see a slender face and bright teal colored eyes. Lewa quickly clears his throat and introduces himself, “I’m Toa Lewa… spirit of air, and who might you be?”
The blue female fidgets and glances around uneasily, then shakes her head and backs away from Lewa in a panic, and suddenly pauses in thought. “I…I’m Marine.” she says uneasily, “please don’t draw any attention to us, I’m not suppose to be here.” she whispers frantically. Lewa comes near her and does his best to calm her.
“Why…what is wrong? Are you being followed?” Marine glances at his eyes and whispers sharply, “Yes… I’m from the water kingdom. Something is terribly wrong in the palace, and I’m running. I am the princess…but you mustn’t tell; please tell no one.”
Lewa nods and puts his hand to his heart light, “I promise…I won’t spill-drop your secret.”
Marine backs away from him, “We never met…we never spoke, understand?” Lewa nods yes, but before he can ask more questions, Marine runs from him.
Lewa yells out, “Wait!“ but isn’t heard, and Marine vanishes into the crowd
without a trace.
Lewa stands there confused and somewhat concerned, then hears a familiar voice call out his name.
“Toa Lewa, my friend!” Lewa looks around and notices a fire Agori walking up to him.
“Flame!” Lewa says with a big grin while shaking his hand, “Oh, good to see you… how’s the village life?”
Flame smirks, “Ah, the fire village is doing wonderfully, and arena matches have been astounding. They’re holding competitions these days, with prizes for the winners, and people from all around come to see them.”
Lewa smiles, “Ah, sounds like joy-fun!”
Flame smirks, “It sure is, and I thought you might like to attend, so I got you a participant paper. There’s a large competition going on tomorrow, lots of people will be there, and best of all you get to watch the battles until your turn, then you get to fight a few!”
Lewa smiles and thinks to himself (That could be fun..and I’m sure I can quick-win.)
Flame hands him the paper; “Here. Keep this with you and hand it in at the arena gate tomorrow. I’ll see you there.”
Lewa nods, “Thanks, I’ll be sure to come.“ Lewa pauses for a moment, then glances off in the direction where Marine fled, and frowns slightly.
Flame looks at him skeptically, “Something wrong my friend..? You keep looking off in that direction, as if you saw someone who’s captured your attention.”
Lewa glances back and shakes his head, “Ah…no, it’s nothing like that, I’m just concerned about something, that’s all.” he responds in a fidgety manner.
Flame lifts a brow and remains skeptical, “Mm hmm… Let me guess, you saw a woman.”
Lewa blushes, “Uhh..well, I.. Yes, but..”
Flame cuts in with a snicker. “Ah, it’s perfectly understandable my friend, but…be warned, it’s been said female jungle types are rather aggressive, and won’t hesitate to defend their territory by all means. They’re beautiful; in fact there have been many fine ladies of all types who have passed through this market…just don’t go into the jungle or venture on off roads, unless you want a date with death, because female jungle types live in these regions, and quite a few of them know how to fight very well. Some even carry around poisoned tipped scythes, so don’t go wandering off on some crazy adventure, okay?” says Flame while patting Lewa’s back.
Lewa smiles and snickers a little, then nods.
Flame looks up at Lewa and says, “Wellp, been great talking again, see you tomorrow buddy!” he remarks with a peppy tune.
Lewa nods, “Allright…see you then.” he says while waving goodbye.
Once Flame is out of sight, Lewa decides to go for a walk away from the market, and takes a stroll down a scenic dirt path which branches off into smaller paths that lead deep into the jungle. Lewa pauses for a moment in thought, Flame’s words of warning echo in his mind; he then smirks and says to himself, “Ah..I’m sure no one of the forest will try to hard-beat me.”
Lewa shakes his head and continues to explore, taking a smaller dirt path which leads into the jungle. As Lewa walks, he ponders on Marine, wondering what she meant; (Why was she was running, and what was terribly wrong in her palace?) he thinks to himself.
Lewa starts to enjoy the beautiful floral array, and comes into a shady area of the forest which displays a beautiful waterfall and cliff side, complete with a relaxing pool beneath it. He smiles, and is taken in by the pleasant beauty of this small reservoir; till he suddenly hears a noise which makes him feel on edge. The leaves of the bushes start to rustle loudly, followed by a rattling sound. Suddenly Flame’s warning comes back to Lewa’s attention, and Lewa starts to wonder if the rumor of female jungle types is true.
He starts to back away from the rustling bushes, and reaches cautiously for his weapon; but, before he can grasp it, someone jumps out from the trees, lands stealthily in front of him, no more than eight feet away, and loudly hisses at him. Before Lewa’s very eyes, stands the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Her eyes glow a wondrous yellow green, bright and brimming with a mysterious life; her stature perfect as a female counterpart to a man as tall as Lewa; her form smooth and curved, every inch of her supple yet strong; and her face wild but enchanting, yet all at once soothing; even her lips are more defined than other Glatorian females Lewa has seen. She wears tribal garments consisting of green fabric with hints of gold and yellow, topped off with a decorative leaf skirt flap. Lewa sees she wields a very sharp scythe in her right hand, and he starts to back away from her cautiously, his actions expressing both fear and fascination as she slowly walks towards him.
She smirks; to her this is all a game, and she gets a kick out of Lewa’s panic. Lewa suddenly feels his feet get wet, and his back clinks against the cliff side. He tenses up and doesn’t say a word, just stares as the female jungle type comes close to him and looks him in the eyes.
She suddenly chuckles and says in a quiet yet all at once mysterious voice, “Nice mask.”
Lewa gulps and lets out a breath, his heart enchanted, yet tense. He clears his throat and quietly squeaks, “Thank you.” The female chuckles once more, and swiftly flees back to the woods before Lewa knows how to react.
Lewa goes home that evening and prepares to leave for the fire village by morning; his mind filled with questions about his mysterious, but all at once enchanting encounter with a green female. That night he sleeps and dreams of her face till sunrise.
Life of Lewa- Introduction <<previous chapter/next chapter>> Life of Lewa-Chapter 2 "The Arena Match"
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