Here is a photo collection of Takanuva outside on my porch. Ever wonder what a Toa might look like if they stood on your back porch for a visit?...Well with some interesting camera angles, and a table to set your character on, you can get something that shows what that might be like.
This photo shoot was actually an extra thing I did while taking some photos for another project, and I took the opportunity to take a few interesting pics just because.
Being that the figure is standing on a table, and the shots are angled, is what makes him appear more monstrous than he really is. Basically an illusion, making Takanuva appear to be the giant robot he is. All photos were taken with macro, purely focusing on this giant figure before you.
I made the photo panel for a quicker view of all the photos... makes it easier to share on other sites.
The picture above interests me because the angle of his eyes in the light; almost like an irritated look that implies he's tired of showing up in other worlds besides his own. It also has a sense of anger to it... wouldn't want to actually get that look from someone his size.
A journal entry from Pearllight
"One day when I stepped out on my porch during November, everything seemed perfectly normal on my planet...that is till I saw a glowing portal window form on the left side of my back porch. I've seen plenty of portals in my days, after all, I use them frequently when traveling through dimensions. Why one was forming on my world, other than my own, is what puzzled me. Before I was able to activate my suit, a large figure emerged.... and he didn't look friendly at first. I happened to be standing right in front him, trying not to tremble from slight shock. He had a look of anger, as if he were going to attack me, but in that moment my eyes must have showed him I was innocent, and non threatening. His mask looked quite familiar, couldn't quite tell why, that is till he spoke.... then to my shock I knew exactly who he was; Takanuva from the Matat Nui universe, which dimension of the universe he was from is what I didn't know. "I'm sorry to intrude little one.... just trying to find my way home." he said. I looked at him and gently smiled. "Say, haven't I seen you before somewhere?... You look familiar." he continued. I took an uneasy breath, having trouble believing this was happening. "Tak.... Takanuva... it's me, Pearllight." Takanuva stood back in puzzlement, "That can't be... Pearllight is.." he stopped in mid sentence; "Pearllight is... what?" I asked, with one eyebrow lifted. "She's...from you mean I'm on Earth?" Takanuva stuttered. "Yep, the one and only" I answered. "Oh.... now I know where I've seen you! You were that tourist at that park I landed in, that young girl who wanted to take my picture." Takanuva said in realization. "Dah! How in Mata Nui's name did I land on Earth again... this isn't even remotely close to my dimension." Takanuva looked a little worried. "Well, it was only last year that you landed here... maybe I can help you get to your universe." I said. "How could you do that? You're just...." "Just what?..." I cut in, "just human?" Takanuva said nothing, just looked at me with confusion and distrust. I looked at him briefly, then looked at the ground and smirked. "Just trust me, okay... but before I help you on your way, can I do one thing?" "....What would that be?" he asked with slight unease in his voice. I grinned and revealed the camera I was holding behind my back. " and the photos. All right, fine." He said with rolled eyes. At that point he wasn't so bad, granted I was still uneasy around him, but more photos of giant robots on my world are like candy. By the end of my snapshots, he became entirely comfortable, and looked strait at the lens. I think he enjoyed himself after the first few pics. After that I shook his fingers, thanking him for more pictures, and then told him to just turn around and look at the sky. He gave me a puzzled look, but did as said. Truth is I didn't want him to get the clue I was the Pearllight who has been in multiple versions of his universe.... security issues. Before he was able to blink, I opened a portal of my own, sending him back to where he needed to be. Last time we met, I wasn't able to help him, being that we were in a public place. And I can't believe he called me a tourist.... I'm a local. :/ If anything, he's the tourist, giant alien robot waltzing around on human soil."
Above (left) He was quite frightening at first. (Right) I love the angle of this one, seems to show more character in his eyes.

Look at the camera Takanuva. I love the way his eyes glow in these two pics.
Hope you enjoyed the journal entry, last minute add in, and all the photos. ^_^
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