Chapter 5- “From City to Sundown”
“Ashton... Hey Ashton! Kid, wake up; we need to go.” Ashton cracked his eyes open and tiredly moaned a questioning sound; trying to recall why he felt so sore. He floped his arms around, confused at why he was sleeping in a bathtub with the basic necessities, a blanket and pillow. Then he looked around and blinked a few times, noticing Tahu who crouched next to the tub. “Ashton, you need to wake up.” Tahu says once more, “We need to go.”
“Go..?” Ashton questions tiredly. He pauses in thought and takes a moment to recall all that happened the night before. He slowly starts to sit up, then notices a dull burning sensation between his legs, and he tenses up with pain. It was all coming back to him now; he had been traveling with the two Toa Nuva, Lewa and Tahu; got into trouble, and was required to help a lost and endangered water princess. “Oh.... right.” Ashton moans.
Tahu sighs and puts his arm under Ashton's, trying to move him. “Come on kid, we don't have all day; we need to start heading for the south west to Marine's palace.” says Tahu.
Ashton scrunches up and squeaks sorely as Tahu helps him to his feet. Before Ashton can even start talking, Tahu already started folding up the blanket and pillow, then pats Ashton's shoulder. “Come on Ashton, Lewa and I have already had breakfast, we'll get you something on the way out; they should still be serving breakfast in the lobby at this hour.”
Ashton feels numb and tired, but knows better than to grumble about the situation; so sorely he steps out of the tub, and leaves the bathroom, waddling like a cowboy. Out in the room he sees Lewa sitting on the corner of a bed, who smiles at first, but then notices Ashton's eyes are tired and bloodshot, still watering from pain and depression.
In his concern, Lewa feels pity, and glances at Tahu who tosses the blanket and pillow on the bed. “Tahu..” starts Lewa, “maybe we should try to find a cart for travel... for the sake of keeping the legs soft-rested, specifically the inner thighs.” he says, hinting at Ashton's condition.
Tahu glances at Ashton, then back at Lewa, and nods with approval. “We'll take the city bus cart, then we'll take the sand train which will bring us half a mile outside Tajun's borders. From there we may have to go on foot through a few desert passes, and hitch a ride on a trade wagon if we're lucky. There's no guarantee that we'll make it to Marine's palace before night fall; if that's the case, we'll have to camp out and stay close. I've already taken care of supplies, went out and found what's needed for our journey and got the goods cheap from a used item cart in the city market. Now lets go, time is wasting... Oh, and Lewa, get the kid something to eat while we're in the lobby.”
“Will do fire-spitter!” returns Lewa peppily. Lewa then pats Ashton's shoulder, “Come on Ash-breath, lets get you breakfast so you can quick-move.” Ashton rolls his eyes and takes in a sniffle, then starts to limp down the hall and soon the stairs as the Toa head for the lobby.
The Toa spend little time in the city. Once Ashton snags his breakfast, they start their journey immediately. First they get on the bus cart which brings them outside Fire City; Ashton doesn't say a word the entire time, a surprise to both Lewa and Tahu. Tahu starts to see that when Ashton is facing emotional pain, his spark fades and all his strength seems to waver.
Lewa leans back in his chair and yawns from boredom. “Say Tahu, how do we way-find Marine once we do reach the desert; think there's a secret passage we could find to get past the border without being quick-seen?” Lewa asks.
Tahu glances around cautiously, and leans in next to Lewa; “I'm hoping that might be the case...they say some sneaky tradesmen of the desert know a secret way in to the water kingdom's border. That's why I mentioned we might have to hitch a ride on a trade wagon.. they might be able to aid us in getting to where we need to be. Regardless, we shouldn't talk about it here; it's a bit risky being that other people are looking for Marine as we are.”
Lewa smirks, finding it rather funny that Tahu is for once not as open to jumping into things like he was in the good old days on Mata Nui. Lewa knows better than to bring that subject up though, seeing it would probably start a fight between them, and bring back painful memories relating to himself as well.
Lewa looks over at Ashton and nudges his arm, “So fire-spitting life-dawn; why so quiet? Maybe if we sing-song a tune it will help pass the time.” says Lewa in hopes of lifting Ashton's spirit.
Ashton looks at Lewa tiredly, and grimaces. “Leave me alone air type.... I don't sing; and I have nothing to sing about. Just....just leave me alone.” sniffles Ashton, his voice wavering with hidden pain.
Lewa frowns and sadly turns away, surprised that even in his efforts, Ashton has been terribly affected by last night's incident. He waits for about twenty minutes, then starts to whistle annoying tunes just to break the silence and pass the time.
Ashton and Tahu both start shaking their heads, embarrassed to be sitting with Lewa who attracts attention from surrounding people of the bus, and gets a few snickers from back seat riders who watch with pleasure as the two fire types turn progressively redder from Lewa's carefree whistling. Finally Tahu can no longer take it, “Lewa, stop whistling! This is a fire city for crying out loud, not a Gukko force.”
Lewa's lips tighten and he tries not to laugh, but can only contain it briefly before he starts chuckling.
Ashton face palms and stares blankly, “Seriously... You just had to make this trip worse, didn't you ?” he mumbles.
Lewa can't take Ashton or Tahu seriously, and leans back in his chair once more. “All right, all right... I'll stop whistling.” Ten minutes Later he starts to hum instead.
Ashton tightens his fists, “Tahu, are we there yet?!” he growls. Tahu rubs his face and looks over with a pained expression and says, “I hope so kid, I hope so.”
When the bus finally stops outside the desert train station, Tahu whacks Lewa on the shoulder and says, “That's enough humming....! We're at the station, come on.”
Lewa smirks, and follows Tahu out, making sure Ashton is close behind.
After heading inside, Tahu goes to get tickets, while Lewa sits with a grouchy Ashton who purchased a Sperus Magna map to use on their journey. Lewa leans in next to Ashton who scans over the area they're heading, then abruptly cuts his concentration by saying in a carefree and slightly loud manner, “What are you hard-looking at?”
Ashton twitches and stares up from the map with an irritated face, “A map..” he replies in a snarky manner.
Lewa squints, “No, you don't say..” he adds as a sarcastic comeback. “Why are you nuzzling your nose so close to it that you could clear-see a gnat?”
Ashton droops his shoulders and rubs his eyes. “Listen..Lewa, if you want to help me feel better, shut up, and find me some pain killers. I have a splitting headache, a bruised side, and singed inner thighs. I can care less about what you have to say.” he says miffed.
Lewa sighs, looks at he floor and twiddles his fingers, then sees a small medical stand. He realizes what to do, and gets up to head for it. Lewa glances at Ashton and taps his arm, “Hey, I'll be right back; stay here ok.”
Ashton blinks and looks back down at the map, still irritated.
Lewa goes to the medical stand and rings the bell; a stocky, white coated Agori comes to the counter and looks at Lewa, who smiles and clears his throat. “Excuse me, I was wondering if you sell pain medicine... you know, for achy-sore muscles, bruises, burns, and headaches.” he says to the quiet Agori.
The Agori looks around the cart and hands Lewa a bottle of hard blue pills and says, “Those should do the trick, though I don't reckon taking more than three for someone your size. Half a pill usually works for someone as small as a Matoran...naturally it might take a little more for a Toa.”
Lewa nods, “Well that shouldn't be a problem, the Toa who needs them isn't as big. What's the price for these?”
The Agori looks at a paper and puts out his hand, “That will cost five widgets.” Lewa smirks and digs through his arm compartment for spare change, then drops five small widgets into the Agori's hand. “Thank you dearly.” says Lewa while walking off with the medicine.
Lewa returns to Ashton who still sits there gazing at the map, and nudges his arm once more. “Ashton, look what I got..pain medicine.” he says while holding the pills in front of Ashton's face.
Ashton puts his hand out and takes the bottle, then tiredly smirks and nods with approval at the favor Lewa did. He then pulls out his canteen and pops two pills in his mouth and gulps them down.
Soon Tahu returns and holds out the tickets. “I see you two have managed to behave yourselves; that's a surprise. I have the tickets, and the train leaves in the next five minutes; time to go.”
Ashton sorely moans as he lifts himself from the seat and folds the map, then tucks it in his satchel. He sees Lewa and Tahu are already on the move, and in a non excited manner, follows them with a demeanor of aggravation.
Just as the three reach the train door, “All aboard!” echoes throughout the station. Ashton can tell it's going to be a long day to spend with a hot headed leader, and an a witty...sing-song humming air type; and grudgingly boards the train.
Ashton follows the Toa and slumps down in his chair next to the window; keeping silent with a grouchy face as he gazes out at the passing station, and soon the desert.
It only takes half an hour before Lewa feels the urge to talk again, and leans in to chat with Tahu who sits across from him. “So Tahu, in the next few hours we should reach the next station, then what? Once we fast-stop, we should be half a mile from Tajun... and you said we might have to hitch a ride on a trade wagon.. know where to find tradesmen of the area?”
Tahu thinks for a moment, “Well, I know there's a certain road they take, and have heard all trade wagons travel through Creek Canyon for water stops and rest.” He then pauses and glances at Ashton, “Hey kid, could I borrow that map you purchased back at the station?”
Ashton blinks tiredly and reaches into his satchel, then slides the map across the table and continues gazing out the window, ignoring them both.
Tahu unfolds the map and points at the desert areas he's referring to. “See here, we have the railroad, then the other station; and from there it looks like they have a wagon trade stop at the station..We might be able to get a ride then.”
Lewa nods, then cocks his head, “Seems a bit odd they're still usin strange wagons now days to travel the desert. What ever happened to wind-flying vehicles?”
Tahu smirks, “Well Lewa, not everyone can afford levitating vehicles; only express shipments are made on the high speed levitation buses. Not to mention some people prefer the stability of wheels and animal pulled carts over finicky equipment that can easily short circuit from the sands and harsh conditions of the desert. Stands to reason wheel and animal operated carts are still in use.”
Lewa nods, “Well, I sure would joy-love to hitch a ride on one of those speed-flying shipment buses.” he says in an almost disregarding manner towards Tahu's statement.
Tahu rubs his nerves and pulls out a deck of cards after an hour and half, sets the deck down in the middle of the table, then looks at Ashton who glances at the red backed stack, his fingers rubbing together in thought. “Hey kid, want to play your hand at a game of Fire Deck?” says Tahu to cut the tension.
Ashton smirks, wipes his eyes, and nods. “All right Tahu, you're on. Deal first, you're lead.” Tahu sees Ashton is familiar with this game, and senses he has some experience.
The two duel, and Lewa watches from the sidelines, eager to see how badly Tahu will smoke Ashton; but to his surprise, each deal Ashton makes is a winning hand, and Tahu skims the score five points short of Ashton's.
The match gets intense as the cards pile, Tahu's lips tighten as he concentrates; but at last Ashton wins, puts his fists in the air, and shouts with a grin, “FIRE DECK!”
Tahu slumps in his chair, “Daww...I lost!” he playfully pouts. “Alright Ashton; good game... Seems you battle with cards better than you do with blades.” Tahu pauses for a moment in thought, seeing an opportunity to try and understand Ashton better, “Who taught you how to play cards so well?” he asks.
Ashton freezes up as he shuffles the cards back into a pile, Tahu's question sends a shiver up his spine. He clears his throat and stays silent for a moment.
Lewa's eyes get big, and he glances at Tahu with a face that implies Tahu asked something he might not have wanted to.
Ashton takes in a breath and says quietly, “Zihrias taught me....”
Tahu nods, “Oh, your bounty hunter friend. That explains a lot; he probably learned to play lost of cards games while looking for work in the casinos, and it shows he taught you the games well. How is it you became friends with Zihrias anyway?” Tahu questions further, wishing to figure out why Ashton is the way he is.
Ashton looks out the window and doesn't say anything, just slides the deck of cards back to Tahu. Tahu realizes the subject on Zihrias must have a deeper meaning, and knows Ashton isn't willing to tell the tale.
Ashton glances at Tahu, then sighs and says in a wavering tone of sadness, “Zihrias....taught me well. Yes, he did teach me how to play cards...he even taught me how to cheat; but I didn't cheat on the match we just played, that I promise.” Ashton then looks back out the window and tries to avoid eye contact with Tahu.
Tahu sees Ashton is pained by memories he's unwilling to share, and gently nudges his arm, “Hey..Ashton; if you're feeling upset you don't have to talk about your past...but it can't hurt to open up a little now and then. I learned that the hard way...kept in my feelings, and they just built up, till I finally couldn't take it anymore; then I exploded with rage, and usually got hosed by Gali for being such a putz.” he remarks with a smirk.
Ashton and Lewa both snicker at Tahu's remark, but still Ashton remains silent for the remainder of the trip.
Finally they reach the station, and Ashton starts to push Lewa out of the booth; desperate to feel the ground again, and in major need of a bathroom break. “Come on come on...move move move.” he pressures Lewa who carefully scuffs out of the booth.
“All right, I'm going... why in such a hurry to quick-leave the train; got a date?” says Lewa playfully.
Ashton rolls his eyes, “No man, I've been holding it for the last two hours...now I really need to whiz. So if you don't mind, walk faster!”
The three hurry off the train, Tahu carrying their supplies, and Lewa being pushed by a grouchy Ashton who runs straight for the restroom upon seeing the door. “Hey kid, don't be long!” shouts Lewa as Ashton rushes off.
Tahu glances around and scans the station for a trade wagon stop. He spots several food stands, then sees what he's looking for, and smirks. “Hey Lewa.” he says while tapping Lewa's arm, “When Ashton comes out, get some lunch for us from that burrito stand over there. And don't you dare order anything with beans for yourself... you know how sensitive your system is to them.”
Lewa snickers, “Naww, why would I do such a thing like that?” he says sarcastically.
“Lewa, I'm warning you... don't get bean burritos, I mean it. Just order a decent lunch, ask Ashton what he wants, and while you do that I'm going to talk with those wagon traders over there... Ok?” returns Tahu.
Lewa nods, “Yeah, alright fire-spitter, I'll get us lunch and avoid beans; heart-promise.” he says with a grin.
When Ashton returns he lifts a brow, “Where's Tahu?” he asks.
Lewa snickers, “Ah, he's already at work getting us a ride on a trade wagon. Now that you're done, we can get some lunch and then go see how he's doing.”
“Sounds good...I guess. What are we getting for lunch?” wonders Ashton.
“Burritos...” Lewa says with mischief. Ashton droops his shoulder, “Oh...you've got to be kidding...”
Lewa drags Ashton to the burrito stand and looks at the menu. “Say Ash-breath.... a word of advise, don't choose anything with refried beans if you can't handle them. Tahu will have a fire-fit if we start playing trail tunes with our trumpets.”
Ashton chokes with laughter, unable to help himself. “Seriously air type...? Seems odd Tahu doesn't like trumpet trail tunes; you know how quickly you can light fires with methane?” he laughs.
Lewa face palms and shakes with bottled up laughter, then takes in a breath and directs his attention to the stand keeper. “All right, I'd like the beef and cheese burrito with onions; and a shredded chicken burrito with pepper jack cheese and a pile of jalapenos.” He taps Ashton's arm, “Make your order, kid.”
Ashton thinks for a moment, “All right, I'll take the double cheese melt with spiced lizard meat, piled with with pickled red ranger peppers, and topped with green fire hot sauce.”
Lewa looks at Ashton with surprise, “You sure you want to eat that kid? Sounds like a load of heartburn later.”
Ashton tiredly leans against the cart as they wait for their orders, “Lewa, I'm a fire type; I can handle spicy food just as I can handle the heat of a flame. As for heartburn; as far as I'm concerned it's no worse than the ache in my chest I've been feeling ever since I made one wrong mistake. A little capsaicin is likely to do me good, possibly relieve the ache in my side and numb the burn between my legs.”
Lewa looks at the ground with pity, seeing Ashton is feeling sick from his recent experiences; and gently rubs Ashton's shoulder to show he understands.
Lewa grabs the paper bag with their burritos when they're done, and the two head for the wagon trade stand. Lewa spots Tahu who sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the sand tradesmen, and approaches him swiftly, tapping him on the shoulder and holding the greasy bag of burritos in front of his face.
“Lewa...I see you got lunch for us. There better not be any beans in there..” Tahu says while pushing the bag away from his face.
“No, no beans, I said I promised... Right Ashton? You heard me make the order; no beans in here.” says Lewa for confirmation.
Ashton smirks and nods yes, trying not to chuckle about the statement Lewa made earlier.
Tahu lifts a brow and shakes his head. “Anyway, I found a wagon that's willing to take us; the guy says he knows a way past the border legally, but will have to sneak us in because we're not cargo. He also agreed to take us, in return for our services in protecting the traveling groups of merchants from threats of the desert. We'll be accompanied by other Glatorian hired for the job. Follow me and I'll introduce you to the driver.”
The two follow Tahu who introduces them to a tired looking water Agori who directs a Glatorian in where a large package goes. “Tahu... I'll take it these are the two traveling with you?” the Agori says when he turns around to see them standing there. “Well, good to meet you, my name is Yats. I'll be your tour guide and driver on this journey; but be warned, for my services I require you to protect the wagon..seeing I'm rather short, and we have troubles with desert raiders now and then. Also, I will explain the rules of getting you past Tajun's royal borders. Seeing the royal borders are separate from normal borders means you need a pass for your wagon, which I happen to have. But, because you are unlisted protectors, you'll have to hide in the cargo when the time comes, and not make a sound while they pat down each shipment. It's going to be tricky.. and if you get caught that could mean the arrest of you, and suspension of my pass for me; so DON”T get caught. Are we at an agreement?”
Ashton blinks tiredly and swallows a nervous gulp, trying to absorb everything Yats just said; and Lewa nods, “Sure, this should be a new adventure...” he says optimistically. Tahu smirks and offers his hand, which Yats shakes to confirm their agreement.
“All right then! Hop on the wagon and take a seat, where about to be off.” says Yats with a smile.
Ashton struggles to board the wagon, and Lewa gently aids in helping him up. “Come on kid, I gotcha... Easy where you step.” he says while lifting Ashton on. Once the Toa are seated, Ashton looks around and sees the other Glatorian warriors board the carts they're paid to protect, and soon the wagons start to move.
Ashton's face gets nervous, and Tahu pats his arm, “Hey..something wrong? Asks Tahu, “You look kind of pale...and your sweating.”
Ashton wipes his brow and takes a heavy breath, “I..I'm fine. Just need to eat something.” he says while grabbing for the paper bag of burritos. Each of them takes out their burrito and eat as the wagon moves at a medium pace along a large trodden path of desert dirt that weaves through a broken canyon of large black rocks.
“Mmm, you guys got burritos...I know that wonderful scent.” says Yats, breaking the silence amongst the Toa. “In fact, the burrito stand you got those from is one of the best in the station. They fill them to the brim with delicious choices you can find nowhere else. It's the only burrito stand I know of that serves fried snake on a spicy trail wrap, topped with zesty vegetables and a sweet hot sauce; great for getting a trail man on the move!” he remarks passionately.
Tahu pauses in mid chew, “Did you just say fried snake?” he questions.
“Yeah, that's right.” confirms Yats. “In fact, the young one there is eating something similar..smells like he got the spiced lizard, and a load of spiciness on top.”
Tahu looks at Ashton surprised, wondering when Ashton got a taste for lizard. Ashton doesn't say a word, just smirks.
“A little trivia on where we're heading.” starts Yats, “Once we pass this broken black rock canyon, it might take a little more time to get you to Tajun's borders. We tradesmen tend to take roads that are safer, but take a little more time... I know you're in a hurry to get to Tajun; but it might be an hour or more before we're even close to the border, just thought I'd give you a heads up.”
Tahu nods, his concerns deepening for Marine as the time passes; but knows he has a responsibility to keep his team mates and rookies safe, and therefore decides not to rush the course of travel.
The journey takes them longer than expected; three hours later Ashton gazes off at the setting sun that shines like a giant orange ball sinking in a sea of golden sand.
Tahu and Lewa both wonder what it is that bugs Ashton; in what little time they've been stuck with him, there's something oddly gentle about him when he's not always ranting from what they've noticed. And even in this moment of time, they can't help but feel sad in a way, like they see Ashton is lost and in need of gentle but firm guidance.
Tahu nudges Ashton's shoulder, “Hey...something out there you see? Something bugging you kid?” he asks with concern.
Ashton shakes his head no, and rubs his hands together for warmth, trying not to feel chilly from the temperature drop of the desert evening. Tahu sighs and grabs a blanket, then flops it over his shoulders, and pats his back. Ashton feels a bit odd, surprised at Tahu's sudden act of kindness, and begins to respect the toa of fire.
After a long five hour ride, Yats grins and says back to the Toa, “Well my friends, good news! We've finally reached the traders trail and market canyon, also known as Creek Canyon, the ultimate water stop and trade spot in these parts. Obviosuly they call it Creek Canyon because it has a medium sized creek flowing through it. This canyon is where many of the tradesmen set up stands, and locals from Tajun come here during morning hours to purchase goods; much like a village market. Lucky for you, I have a delivery that's being shipped directly to Tajun's palace; so we will make our way there.... but, it's getting too dark out for me to continue riding, far too dangerous around these parts; so we're going to have to camp here tonight, and I'll get you through the border starting first thing in the morning. Is that ok?”
Tahu sighs and rubs his nerves, “All right Yats, we agree to camp with you; but by morning we expect to get through the border as soon as possible.” Tahu glances around the canyon and gets an odd feeling in his spine, like they're being watched.. but he brushes it away with a comforting doubt.
Yats stops the wagon, parking it next to the line of other parked wagons, and jumps off the seat. “Well, I have supplies for dinner, you fellas seem to have brought all that's needed for sleeping, so let's make camp and relax.” he says while getting to work on tending his cart pets.
In a half hour Tahu has a fire going, their mats are laid out, and Yats serves dinner.
“So Yats..what's in the stew pot?” asks Tahu. Yats smiles as he serves the food; “Well, tonight I've brought jerky wraps and baked beans.”
Tahu's eyes grow big, “Did you say baked beans? Yats....umm, would it be all right for Lewa to eat two jerky wraps and skip the baked beans for him?”
Yats pauses midway from the last bowl as he ladles out beans, “Why? The green guy have something against baked beans?”
Tahu shakes his head and snickers slightly, “No, not exactly him; he likes beans, but his system doesn't.”
Yats lifts a brow, “Oh...so you mean he gets heartburn, indigestion, and an ache in his stomach...?”
Ashton starts to laugh his head off and rolls on the ground in tears from this scene. “Lets just say Lewa's trumpet trail tunes aren't Tahu's kind of music..” he laughingly chokes.
Tahu bites his lip and blinks coldly as Yats starts to laugh at the situation himself, “Ah I see...you want good clean air tonight with minimal smog. Two jerky wraps it is.” says Yats with a chuckle.
As night falls the Toa tell stories of their adventures on Mata Nui, and Tahu tries to encourage Ashton to tells stories of his own, but still Ashton refuses, and flops on his mat, then looks up at the stars.
“Already tired, Ashton?” teases Tahu, trying to get Ashton use to him.
Ashton blinks plainly and sighs, “Tahu, I know you want to understand my past, and I know you're probably wondering why I've been such a jerk, but I'm just not ready to tell you anything about myself..I was after all pinned on this mission against my will; so why should I open up to you?”
Tahu is shocked at Ashton's words, surprised that Ashton has a slight point. “Well...I.. Ashton..I..” Tahu tries to say what he's been wanting to say, and pushes himself to apologize for punishing him and being hard on him; but suddenly his words vanish from mind when he hears a sharp noise echo through the canyons. “Shh..did you hear that?” he says while lifting a hand for silence.
Yat's eyes get big, Lewa reaches for his blades, and Ashton grows pail with fear. In the canyons a menacing silence lingers, the sort of silence that comes before a storm. Suddenly a flash of light illuminates the ground, it's source coming from a fiery arrow falling through the sky. Off in the distance several Agori and Glatorian yell out, “Raiders!!!”
When the arrow hits the ground, an explosion occurs. Tahu quickly jumps and pulls Ashton to the side, preventing rock from hitting them both. Lewa comes to join forces, katana at the ready, and looks at Tahu, “Time to hard-fight!” he says while pointing at the band of raiders who flood from the canyon crevices.
Tahu nods and pulls out his blades, then looks at Ashton, “Kid, stay close to me, and remember what I taught you.” Ashton takes in a shaky breath and pulls out his blades, and looks at the raiders who fight against surrounding Glatorian and Agori. Suddenly his heart fills with anger, memories of his past flooding through his mind as he watches destruction take hold.
Tahu and Lewa blast a wave of wind and fire at the raiders, who split and scream with shock. The other Glatorian run next to the Toa Nuva, seeing it's best to join forces with company of such power.
Raiders run and scream as the band of Glatorian and Toa run after them, shooting element blasts like bug repellant. The raiders scurry back into the canyon, carrying what little they could get their hands on from the trade wagons, thankfully nothing of large value.
When all seems calm and the victory won, Tahu hears a choked moan and looks around with shock; there next to the camp fire Ashton was pinned against the ground by his neck, a raider of large size cowering over him and threatening to kill him if he fought back while his satchel was being emptied.
Tahu snarls and stomps toward the raider, swiftly lands behind him, and taps his shoulder. The raider looks around, confused when he sees Tahu who lifts a brow and says, “Pick on someone your own size.” then with a single blow, knocks the raider out with a punch to the head, and looks at Ashton with concern.
Tahu crouches next to him and puts his belongings back in his satchel, then gently lifts his head and see Ashton's nose is bleeding. “Hey, you ok kid?” he asks, trying to break Ashton from shock.
Yats comes out from behind a wagon and staggers next to them, then offers a tissue to Tahu, who thanks Yats and uses it on Ashton's bloody nose.
Yats mumbles tiredly, “Raiders...I hate raiders. You're a very good fighter Tahu...shame to see your young friend here fell to one of the stronger fighters of those desert pillagers. I suggest we move closer to the other wagons and support each other for the night...don't think the raiders will come back, but one can never be too careful.”
Tahu nods, “I don't disagree, we'll move closer to other campers... I had a feeling we were being watched before we set up camp. Now I don't think I can sleep.”
Once everyone resettles for the night, Tahu chats with Lewa about the raiders for awhile, then Lewa glances over at Ashton who's still awake, and notices he's crying. Lewa nudges Tahu, and quietly whispers, “Tahu..you didn't hard- talk to the kid did you? He's tear-crying again..”
Tahu looks at Ashton sadly, and shakes his head, “No, I didn't talk to him yet...” Tahu feels guilt and slips next to Ashton who still holds the tissue in his nose as tears run down his face. “Ashton...you ok?” Tahu asks with concern.
Ashton sniffles and tries not to make eye contact; when he tries to speak his words break and his tears grow bigger. For the first time in history Lewa watches Tahu comfort a younger Toa as though he were his son. Tahu gently cradles Ashton next to him and rubs his back, trying to stop his tears. “Ashton, what's the matter? Did the raider hurt you more than you're telling? It's ok to tell us...we're both fighters..brothers; what's the matter? I promise I won't laugh or scold...just let it out.”
Ashton takes in a shaky breath and knows now is the time to reveal his history to Tahu and Lewa; feeling more open and oddly accepted by Tahu's words of one brother to another. “Tahu...I..I'm afraid of raiders.” he starts. “A long time ago...I had my first encounter with a band of raiders, and the fear never left me..”
Tahu gives Ashton some room to speak and Lewa sits intently, seeing a story is about to be told by a bottled up youth.
“It started on a normal day..” says Ashton, “My parents were tending their work, and my dad was outback chopping wood. I was still pretty young then, only about ten. This big guy came into town, and he talked with my father, shook hands with him. They spoke about surrounding territories and dangers lurking in the woods. My father agreed to pay this man for his services of defense for our village; it was the first time I've heard of such a trade, and my father whispered that the man should be careful, there's a fine line between being a protector, and being a bounty hunter. This man was in town looking for extra work, but he was also secretly searching for someone who had the largest bounty on their head, this person being the leader to a group of killing raiders who had been pillaging towns all over the small mountainous region.
This man was friends with my father, and I remember shaking his hand. He told me it was a pleasure to meet such a strong little boy, and that I would surely grow up to be a great fighter as my father. I asked him his name, and he told me he's known by the name Zihrias.
The most horrible thing happened that evening... the moment in time that permanently changed my life. As my father and Zihrias expected, the band of Jusha raiders who had been terrorizing every village had finally made their way to our town. Zihrias and my father fought beside each other as the raiders flooded in and burnt houses after pillaging; many of the villagers ran for the woods and hid, others who fought were killed in battle. I remember my mother hiding me, and then I remember her screaming as two Jusha warriors grabbed her and dragged her out of the house, then ran with her to the woods. It scared me so bad I jumped from hiding and ran outside to warn my father. All around there were flames, smoke, and falling debris; I screamed out for my father but couldn't find him. Then I noticed a lone figure locked in battle with a huge, heavily armored figured. I hid behind some water barrels and saw it was Zihrias...and then beside him I saw by father's corpse, he had a knife wound in his side, and his heart light was black.
The armored being, like a large black shadow, made his final blow and knocked Zihrias off his feet...but instead of killing him, he left him to gain his senses, and ran to the woods, carrying the goods he had stolen from my village.
I remember screaming my head off at the sight of my dead father, and then Zihrias put his hand over my eyes and scooped me up, then ran with me from my burning village. Later he said to me that we would have to stick up for each other, and that he would never let me get harmed. He said that the man who killed my father was the leader of the Jusha raiders, and promised me that one day he would find him..and he would kill him. Zihrias raised me....he taught me everything I needed to know, even brought me on missions when I was old enough; but then not too long ago we got into trouble, Zihrias made me go into hiding, saying there are enemies of his who are willing to kill me to get to him. For my safety he told me to find a life for myself, get some work, and keep my head low for awhile.... But look at me, I'm a failure!” Ashton sobs, “A slacker... an idiot..! I always mess up, and..and..”
Tahu holds his finger gently to Ashton's lips and signals for him to lower the volume. Tahu feels even more pity and guilt now realizing Ashton is a lost and depressed kid, and on top of that an orphan. “Hey..Ashton it's ok. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life too..it's part of learning. And I've been meaning to tell you I'm sorry... For punishing you so harshly, and being so hard on you..and making your days difficult. But you do need to learn, and if you would just listen, we can get through this. I know you can be a great Toa, Ashton; it's just going to take some time.”
Lewa gapes with shock at Tahu's response, amazed that Tahu isn't acting like his old self at all, but rather behaving like a Turaga in wisdom.
Ashton leans his head tiredly and squeaks, “You think so?..” Tahu nods with confirming eyes. Ashton curls up into a ball and says, “I deserved punishment...I know why you did it. I was out of line, but that's not what bothers me... it's the fact that you had to make a scene in front of Fiamma... I was ready to make a life for myself, I was ready to become a man after meeting her...but then you went and made her angry at me; now I don't know if I'll ever have a chance...” he quietly cries.
Tahu pats Ashton's shoulder, “Give it time kid, get through this mission, take responsibility, and listen to what I have to say, then maybe Fiamma will accept you as a man..not a boy without guidance.”
Ashton nods, already his conscience starts to swirl, determination rising in his blood to make things better and become a great Toa as Tahu claims he's capable of being.
The three Toa and surrounding campers finally lay their heads down to rest for the night. Ashton makes his sniffling quiet as he gazes up at the stars once more, and smiles...ready for a another day, and another chance.
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