Thursday, December 10, 2015

Silvermask Not Jaller comic

A very basic comic to make a point of something. By simple I mean no editing of background or eyes. 

"Silvermask Not Jaller" is a comic that expresses Silvermask's feelings (more specifically mine) about looking so much like Jaller Ignika because his body is the same, details about this dilemma explained on the Silvermask Darkness post. Back when I shared the posters of him, I found a majority of comments from others irritating and typical, feeling peeved by the fact no one bothers looking at the posts which state clearly things they felt a need to repeat.

Irritating as that was, it did inspire this comic which became a laughable thing to me, especially the final panel.
Yes, Silvermask decided to take his friends advice and wear some silver accent armor, his mooning of Takanuva a way to express my feelings towards the past comments made on his darkness posters. 

I do plan on keeping the silver accents on him to help him be identified more as his own character. This will be for when one day I hopefully make the Seawing comic.

This comic also explains that in the Seawing world, her friend Uma is in fact the Hewkii Ignika set, but in this dimension he's the twin brother of Hewkii.

The concept of Takanuva mistaking Silvermask as Jaller and wondering what dimension he's in when Uma (Oo Ma) says he's Hewkii's twin, can also connect to the random ideas of Takanuva's Travels.

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