Thursday, August 27, 2015

Silvermask Darkness Posters

Silvermask Darkness, an emphasized theme in the Seawing series. These photos made into poster style pictures have to be my favorites cinematically.

Before I go further, I'd like to make something known which many of you I'm sure have noticed, but don't need to point out (this happened recently). Silvermask, being that he's not a special figure in build has not been given a MOC sticker sheet like Seawing and Shredwing. You may ask yourself why that is, and the answer is because Silvermask isn't an art MOC. His body is Jaller Ignika's just with a different head (reason for that is because he was part of a yard sale purchase.) I had Jaller's headless body, so I gave it a new one, and at first thought it looked weird. Seeing my pieces are fragile, I don't try to fidget with them too much because I can't afford to buy new ones if they break, thus resulting in me not messing with Jaller's form. By adding a new head, I simply gave the form a new role, and ended up liking the character that came out of a frankin build, my only mask choice the one I gave him. Think creatively, as some Humans have similar body types or the exact same outfit as another, I say Toa can have bodies that look the same to that of another beloved figure, but are in fact not the same character in role. Silvermask isn't special in body, but his character is very important in the series.

Now onto the art series. The main poster with that oh so cool glowing sword is my absolute favorite image. I've been in a rather spooky mood lately, so getting these art pieces down has relieved some of my inner gloom, and has left me feeling satisfied. For those rusty in Matoran, the first poster says (An Evil Within). I don't know about you, but that makes me excited.
Of course I made one blank poster and one titled.
Silvermask is a fire type as far I know, and like so many fire types, has a nasty temper that can lead to bad things. Fire Away is made to be almost like a movie poster that hints as being a sequel to the Seawing series (but really isn't, it's just concept). The Matoran at the top says (Time to Run). Pretty sure I'd be doing just that at the sight of an angry Toa with a mean streak.

The final image is a brother to the first poster, continuing the message in Matoran. Again this almost feels like a sequel image or movie poster. Also this time I had to add glow to the sword, but I guess it turned out okay.

In Matoran it says (Good Isn't Always As it Seems). A Deadly Game sounded like an interesting title, and I liked the look of a very large, spooky A that reminds me of the Alien series with the hatching egg. The A almost looks like it's own glyph or symbol here.

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