Thursday, December 18, 2014

Venimbus Glamor Shots

 Okay, here's a nice set of images that are like a Life of Lewa specialty. 
This is Venimbus, one of the main figures in LoL, all pretty in her royal jungle garb with traditional feather helmet tuft, leaf jewelry, and scythe adorned with hallucinogenic string pollen.

Okay, so one day I do plan on making a regular MOC panel to show Venimbus's basic form and figure, but glamor shots never hurt, and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use a freshly snipped leaf from our household taro plant as a backdrop and inspiration to these photos.

I love the whole jungle theme, and taro is obviously tropical, that's a given. They're really big too, so getting a nice shot with a small figurine is fairly simple.
I can see it now, these pictures being in a small scrapbook or journal which Lewa keeps and looks at often, completely infatuated by the glamorous Venimbus. :P

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