(Above) image taken in 2009, edited in 2012. "Gift Sharing".
[As Tahu sat on the cozy couch of this festive little living room, Pearllight came over and handed him a small package wrapped in red paper. "For you Tahu." Pearllight happily says. Tahu gently takes the gift with glowing eyes of appreciation. While Tahu enjoys his present, we pan over to a couple Agori locked in a game of chess, Venimbus (Lewa's wife) watching inquisitively from the side lines.]
I took this photo back in 2009 as a quick Christmas scene for the characters. Unfortunately the quality isn't the greatest, but I feel that adds to the sense of a real photograph taken my a camera man with unstable hands. It's only recently (today) that I felt the scene needed some adjusting, so I added some wall paper to the room through Photoshop, and adjusted the color a bit.
(Left) the scene before I added digital wallpaper. Figured it would be fun to share the before and after picture, since I can't decide if the after looks better or not.
The tree of this living room actually lights up, and is filled with plastic candy canes and sparkling, little ornaments. The bottom is brimming with shiny wrapped gifts, a different color for each Bionicle figure and their element. The added touch of a fake tea light in the fire place with red tissue paper, adds the sense of a warm flame bringing comfort to the room. I think this scene is what the living room looks like when all have gone to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this little Christmas scene of 2009. Just felt like trying to redeem some of my old photography, hope I did okay. ^_~
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