"Walk Safely In the Light"
Trill will take the wisdom of a Turaga into literal heart at times. On a
journey through the snow, she finds ways of walking in the sunbeams
surround by shadows.
I took multiple pictures of Trill in the snow today, each one sort of telling a small story. Snow days always give me an opportunity to take pictures of figurines doing stuff in the land of white.
The collection I've shown in this post is of every picture kept basic with some adjustments in levels, and additional eye glow to bring out that robot look.
I went through many stages in editing, even blurred some of the backgrounds for the scenes, but decided the blurred look wasn't quite what I wanted. Therefore I've stuck to showing each picture as is with the smaller touches of light.
Also, I experimented and got a little fancy with some of my favorite
pictures in the collection. I considered editing all the images onto new
backgrounds, but find I currently lack the motivation to go that far.
I'm keeping the idea in mind for a later time when I may make a small
comic out of the slightly random sequence of imagery. It's always an
interesting challenge to make a story out of something that seems
random, but can somehow pull together and become silly.
I already have a few ideas in mind for what story the pictures can tell. Trillahru has had her days of traveling the Mata Nui island for measurement and map creating of the land. At some point she was bound to travel across the frigid slopes of Ko Wahi.

"Following My Shadow"
Sometimes Trill likes to converse with her shadow, and pretend someone is leading the way. She's probably also wondering what the odd circular indents in the snow are. I have a hunch some Ko Matoran had placed a portable telescope or ice launcher there.
"Greetings From Afar" (right).
Trill sometimes uses her staff to greet others off in the distance,
usually because she can't see who's waving at her, and tries to shield
her eyes from the sun with the end of the stick.
The close up (left) of Trill following her shadow may be a scrapbook keeper. It seems cute in some way. She's probably asking herself, "Am I lost?"
"That's a big boot"
Sometimes there are mysteries that can't be explained. Trill can only wonder if a Toa saw what made such an impression.
"I can see the jungle from here"
Trill likes a good hike now and then, as long as it means staying on solid ground.
Most the pictures of Trill and her journey take place in one spot, these scenes being the beginning of that. Since my boots aren't waterproof, I couldn't journey further out into the snow, and sought ways of taking pictures from the icy porch instead. The best spot was on top of the snowed over recycling can.
I played with the fancy background concept for this one. Since the title
implies she can see a great distance from where she stands, I figure
she's on a very high cliff in the mountains, able to see the jungle of
Mata Nui from there.
"Snow Relaxing"
Ones legs do get tired after walking far and climbing a large hill. Granted, sitting in the snow for too long can be just as agitating.
"Snow Meditating"
Trill tries a balancing act, holding two handfuls of ice as she splays her arms out. "Toa Gali mediates, why can't I?"
"If I were an ice Toa, these snow clumps would come from my hand."
During this playful fun, she froze in surprise when she heard a low voice behind her.
Yes, where there is snow, there is Kopaka, and Trill got to meet him.
Took her a moment to break from a captivated stare.
I loved this scene specifically, and went fancy on all three. I find it
really brings you into the story of Trill's travels and her training of
becoming a chronicler alongside her map making job.
So happens Kopaka is looking for something, and Trill is willing to lead the way. This is another scene I really liked, so I placed it onto a new background as part of telling a possible story (right).
Kopaka takes a moment to listen for any anomalies in the area.
Plus the sun was making it hard for him to see, but he wasn't about to admit that. Oh Kopaka...why do you have to go and freak out Trill like that.
These could one day be made into actual illustrations as I did with the Admiration ones.
Evening comes and Kopaka joins Trill to warm his hands in courtesy. I wonder what stories Kopaka would tell if one could get on his good side.
As he lounges, he tells Trill he's looking for his other shoulder pad.
"Is this yours?"
So happens Trill found that during her journey, and she offers it to Kopaka after pulling it from her bag.
"Thank you."
It's an honor to help a Toa, and I think Trill hit a soft spot in Kopaka's cold heart. They shook hands.
Kopaka actually looks kind of spooky in firelight. Trill doesn't seem to mind though...or maybe she's just not saying anything. I actually had forgotten to add glow to his right lens for all the pictures save the last one (left). I'll just say the scope was closed half the time.
There's a bit of fact behind this story. Kopaka actually was missing his
shoulder pad, and I didn't realize it till after I took pictures before
evening. When evening came and I wanted a firelight scene, I took the
chance to make sense of why Kopaka only had one shoulder pad in the
other pictures.
This added a twist to the photos, and gave me a reason to get more silly pictures of Trill.