Astral Nui, another old painting adjusted. At one time when I made this, I think I was combining the idea of the Iron Giant and Mata Nui together. It seemed pretty cool to dream of Mata Nui falling through space like a comet. This was made when I had little knowledge of Bionicle still, unaware of Mata Nui's size, so the falling form is significantly smaller.
There are lots of scenarios which could fill in the gaps as to why the robot is smaller. Perhaps the planet he's heading for is very large, or maybe from the angle we see him he's actually pretty far away from the planet still. Both those ideas could even be combined.

I ask myself what earth like planet is in view, and I have no idea, so for fun I adjusted the appearance of the world as a reenactment of when Mata Nui falls to Aqua Magna in the Bionicle story line.
Can't decide which I prefer, but the adjustment was quick, all I had to do was paint the world blue.

I ask myself what earth like planet is in view, and I have no idea, so for fun I adjusted the appearance of the world as a reenactment of when Mata Nui falls to Aqua Magna in the Bionicle story line.
Can't decide which I prefer, but the adjustment was quick, all I had to do was paint the world blue.
The original is less flashy, and as always I enjoyed applying new details to give it life. Most of my old paintings were made is basic paint programs, and at one time in Open Canvas.