Full lit illustration of Lewa Phantoka in flight. The above image I named "Cloud Flight", and I feel it best fits the base images lighting. Both illustrations contain the same Lewa picture, the backgrounds are the only difference. The image below is what I was going to settle with at first, but then I decided Lewa needed some vapor trails, so I added those in (above). The vapor trails seem to give the image more life.

The ones above seem to give a better sense of flight, and freedom to move around, not to mention aren't quite as abstract as the one below. I didn't make the background, just used a free desktop image which you can download here http://wallpaperstate.org/wp-content/gallery/ca_abstract/wallpaper-19822.jpg . I feel the cloud image matches the Phantoka theme better.
In the image below, I was going for a whimsical jungle feel, but I question if it's too whimsical for Lewa, being that he's a smooth, aerodynamic robot, carrying weaponry... I still like the picture personally, just can't decide if it's entirely matching. I used several cheats for the background, and I don't own any of the images used to pull it off. I compiled several digital images together, all of them found through Google images... but since I'm not selling any of this art, I guess it's all right for me to use.
The thing I was going for was overhead lighting, and to me the picture below is great as a happy flight near the forest floor. Basically the feel of exotic plant life and pollen, mixed in with sunbeams shining through the towering trees above.
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