"Volcanic Waters"
There's something interesting about vapor and light, which is why I enjoy staring at deffusers. I saw the opportunity to take pictures of our small Linkyo deffuser this evening when no one was around. The glow of blue I chose for the defuser, and the reddish orange of the nearby salt lamp are perfect contrasting colors, like water in a volcano.
The shape of it has reminded me of multiple things, including a Matoran's hut or a Toa's suva. This then inspired me to take pictures of Trillahru on another one of her adventures this evening.
Above, her first discovery of a glowing Suva occurred near the volcano. The triangular tracking stone she holds in her hand led her to the glowing suva like a compass would point North, only the stone flashes light when you're at a found destination.
Trill can only wonder why this suva is steaming.
What's actually happening in these scenes? It's probably a good time to list my ideas now that I've edited my chosen pictures. Trill holds, I would say, a special suva stone, something that unlocks the power of a Toa's suva. She has a task to tap into a suva of her element, by placing this crystal into its center.
After my first experimental pictures, I went and got out a tile and a backdrop to make life easier. this resulted in dark room scenes which gave me the idea that Trill found other glowing, vapor spewing suvas underground or within mysterious temple walls of some hidden place on the island.
This particular suva is a peculiar one, in the fact it glows blue when
active, obviously meant for someone from the water region. It has a funny
shaped top that spews steam from below, like a venting cap for some
underground hot water spring. For all we know, it could be a venting cap
placed their to prevent pressure, and Trill is testing to see if it's a
suva or not. :P

I wanted to have a slightly less dramatic pose for one scene, so I stood Trill upright and had her gaze at the steaming suva. This is likely a scene of her observations before she holds out the crystal to this device.
Trill's discovery of this is no doubt a moment in her history of exploration during her times of land measurement for an island accurate map. She's been willing to take on a few extra tasks during her travels, even if it means exploring a spooky temple or underground lair.
She herself can be kind of spooky when excited (left), or just observing things around the suva (right).
I was surprised at how the blue light was kind of like black light on Trill's eyes and mask. Here she is, staring into your soul.
Blue light is always fun, but I wanted to play with colors and change the mood a bit. Green created the perfect spooky atmosphere I was looking for, like a lantern in the lair of Makuta. Trill goes from being bright blue, to a sickly green.
I love creating tense atmosphere. Here, Trill summons the elemental energy from the green suva. I took some angled shots of the scene just to create an unnerving feel. This is what you might see in a nightmare.
What's happening in the scenes of green are up to imagination, but I think Trill is either being influenced by Makuta, or she's trying to undo Makuta's plans by placing the crystal into a suva within his underground lair of shadow.
"Resist the Shadows"
"Summoning" (right and below).
Will you fall to the darkness?
Trill observed this ghastly suva as she did the blue one. The ones where the mist appears to be wrapping itself around her interest me, because it's like antidermis of a Makuta, whispering in her ear.