Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lock Down Kazikii

Another share from the Life of Lewa fan fiction. A long time ago I made this three page comic based around an episode where Kazikii (represented by an adjusted Gresh figurine) was brought to the lock down bunker (a single concrete base like building made to be a special prison for holding Jusha).

As general of camp Cobrales, Lewa had access to this bunker and used it for the most naughty or dangerous individuals he was required to punish (those including his own sons, or in this case half son).

As the episode goes, Kazikii (Kazi for short) had been unable to contain his inner shadow seeing he's half Jusha, and one day it took over him so badly that he nearly hurt someone in the family. The evil side of him took hold for awhile and he sneaked into his half sister Moonbreeze's room, giving her a major fright as he ran a long claw along the neck of her favorite ash bear plushy, tearing the head off with enjoyment as he watched her pupils shrink. She screamed in terror, not just from the fact her favorite toy was damaged, but by the appearance of Kazikii, clad in black armor, clawed with three inch long talons, eyes glowing red, and teeth pointed.

Lewa came to the rescue and slipped a pillow case over Kazikii's head before knocking him out so he wouldn't harm Moonbreeze, and then the dread of the evening came. Kazikii's mother, Venimbus, couldn't think of any safe way to help Kazikii other than to let his system balance out naturally.
Till that point there was nothing they could do to prevent him from becoming dark and dangerous whenever the sun set, and with regret Venimbus agreed that Kazikii should be locked away and chained for the sake of protecting him from others (people bound to attack him when they see a Jusha) and others from him.

Lewa and Venimbus agreed and Lewa took Kazikii to the lock down bunker, the most secure prison in all of camp Cobrales. That's when this comic comes in. When Kazikii wakes, the shadow in his system had resigned, and much to his discomfort he found himself in a depressing and frightening situation.
 I was still experimenting in digital at the time of making this. Hand drew the speech bubbles, the squiggly lines in text and the ripply design of Kazikii's speech bubbles an indication of a wavered, tear strained voice.

Mind the small typos, art comes with imperfections (ones I don't feel like fixing for something old like this).
 FYI, Lewa has the ability to portal jump in this fan fiction because of certain special elemental tattoos on his palms, gifts from Orpheus.

Though the imagery is kind of old and imperfect, I still feel each image makes an interesting illustration all by itself , so here are the base images for viewing.
 (In case you're curious, Lewa has orange arms in these scenes because his originals were broken at the time, and I didn't yet have replacements.) My friend and I came up with a creative excuse for this, we settled with the concept of Lewa's arm color changing to orange due to his body having a reaction to certain tannins in a Junti fruit he had eaten.

(A way to tell Kazikii apart from Gresh, arm plates and leg plates have been switched on the figurine.)

Sobbing has to be one of my all time favorite clips in the comic. Something about the way the tears and eye glow turned out that just emotionally moves me every time I look at it.
"Don't Leave Me"
"Left To Rot"

The final scene is my second favorite. I love the dark despair of it, relating to this feeling in a way.

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