Only a couple days late, I told you I'd be making some pictures for the season. Just above, Tahu is riding over frosted desert sand, commanding chained Rahkshi with a glowing whip, to make them run faster.
To add interest I put the black frame with the catch phrase, "Who needs Reindeer? When you have Rahkshi."
But since I can't make decisions, I also added the unframed piece below.
A quick heads up, I also had another, more over head picture of Tahu and the three Rahkshi, but I didn't turn that one into an art piece since I was tired, and it was getting really late; so I may make another picture some time in the future with that photo.
Surprise Present

toy. :P
Just because, I wanted to show you how you can change the whole feel of something just by leaving out the comical exclamation marks. In this picture the Bohrok toy and Harmose appear to be best friends. It's all in the eyes, that's what makes the picture come to life.
All of these pictures were made digitally in and open canvas programs. The first thing I had to do was set up my new photo studio (A cardboard box with freezer paper windows) and then take lots of pictures of the characters. Then I went in and added backgrounds, lighting, shading, and extra glow spots here and there. Very simple, fun, and satisfying.
Well, hope you enjoyed yourselves this holiday season, feel free to drop by anytime.