Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gresh Pin-up

 Just a little joke that connects onto a recent mini series of images for Valentines Day (yes I started early). Gresh pin-up, AKA, sexy Gresh, is a simple last minute idea of nuttiness. :P

For those who wonder, I came to do this image after being influenced by the Gali and Gresh series, a Saronicle production. But there are a few other things this connects to, such as the Life of Lewa series, only instead of Gresh it would be a guy named Kaziki, on the rug. Trivia is that I've always found Gresh's character to be charming, and his set build on the attractive side (minus the skinny legs).
He kind of shifts to get comfy for the second angle. XP Background is scrapbook paper, flooring is an old T shirt covered with a rabbit fur pelt to serve as the fur rug.

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