"Lunch Buddy"
Those times where day dreams are small, but sweet. Not sure why I dedicated my time to such a small concept, but the theme just moved me.
This image relates to a possible moment in the Pearllight Origins story or in an alternate dimension concept. It came from a day dream of a little girl trying to see what's on the counter, hungry for lunch and trying to get a peek at what's being made. This idea then mixed with the thought of how being around a Toa can make you feel like a child when they're so tall and you're on the short side, this feeling being partly how Pearllight feels around them when not in armor. So here she is trying to get a look at lunch, feeling as a child as she gets on tip toes to see what's happening at the kitchen counter built for a giant.
Creating the environment of a Toa's kitchen was kind of fun. I tried to keep things looking efficient, while also showing it's still tribal and island like. Lots of wood and organic materials, iron pans, ceramic bowls and jars, a cob oven with stone top stove, and preparation of food being done on a very large leaf since this home is either in the jungle, or somewhere near the beach.
Who the green guy is...I'm not sure. My original day dream was Lewa, but then I felt it should be someone else, partly because I draw Lewa so often, and his mask is hard to draw from behind. Perhaps this character is one of his friends, or maybe his form morphed temporarily. :P
One thing I did enjoy was designing the clothes on Pearl; the colors make me happy. The thing I'm more iffy about is lighting and shading.....I feel a need to improve in that area, but still lack some experience for it.